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Big Fish Jack Pots, Where does the cash go?

Hi there Regular Angler,

Welcome to our board and look forward to your future contributions. When it comes to the absolute bottom line on the rights of the winner to decide how his winnings are handled, I undersand and agree with your position as a point of principle.

Your comment on the 20% off the top seems plausable just as the casinos expect to get a piece of ya for going to their establishment and using their facilities whether you win big or not. If one gambles, one pays no matter what! Duh! ha ha

It is unfortunate that you got zapped by the people in the office BUT ..... did you try to use the pass with another guy behind the counter? Let me tell you, some guys DO NOT REPRESENT the policies of the landing sometimes and do just what they feel like. I personnaly have experienced some real pieces of work working the office playing god at 5am in the morning with no one there but them! ha ha

As a regular angler on the 1/2 and 3/4 day boats we both know that policies between the office and the boat's owners change with the tides. Different guys running the boat may even complicate things more. As a point of principle I would go back to the boat and find out what can be done to make you, the passenger, the recipent of a pass that will pass muster.

Personnel and policies change like the tides. Give it another shot and consider it just part of a business deal they need to perform on.

I consider those passes legal tender to be honored by either the landing or a pass that has been converted to be accepted by the office. Good luck.


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