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Strawberry lucky unlucky 3/17
[font "Calibri"][cool]I’m the buddy that got the ticket for being 4 days past due. When the fish and game officers showed up and asked for our licenses I was the first guy to say yep here you go. I had nothing to hide, I made an honest mistake, and when they told me about being overdue I can assure you that they knew from the surprised look on my face, I had no idea.[/font]
[font "Calibri"]Look, I have bought a fishing license the first week of January since the day I turned 12. I’m not a law breaker and I made a mistake. I could understand if I was a month overdue, but that wasn’t the case. It was 4 days! One week later I was fishing down at Fish Lake (with my new license) and got checked again. I posed the question to the two officers asking them if they would have given me a ticket for being 4 days overdue. They said, “absolutely not”! They also conveyed to me that they were very disappointed in their colleagues to the north and wanted me to give them their names so they could send the message along to their superiors that the officers were taking it too far! They shared their disgust for officers like this that feel they have to ticket for every petty crime they see, even when they know in their hearts that it was an honest mistake, and the reason? It creates rebellion and disrespect towards the officers and the outdoors we love. We shouldn’t feel hate towards the officers that protect and help our fisheries, but when people start feeling like the officers are using their power to feed their own ego’s it only gives us anger towards them and accomplishes nothing. I am all for ticketing a law breaker, and I paid my fine and went on with life, but to say there should never be any mercy is asinine![/font]
[font "Calibri"]I guess we can agree to disagree on this one, but there are two officers down south that disagree with you as well. I’m just glad that you guys aren’t officers of the law, because it sounds like you would be the ones that would create this type of anger and rebellion I’m referring to… I know I know, you’re just the type that would enforce the law no matter what, under any circumstance, because that’s what is going to stop people from breaking the law! That’s what makes you a hard worker and the officer who doesn’t give a ticket is just lazy, right? Give me a break! I think the truth is the officer that doesn't give the ticket is the one who didn't get picked on his whole life in the school yard growing up! We definitely see the world through different colored glasses that is for sure![/font]

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry lucky unlucky 3/17 - by klam - 03-17-2010, 11:19 PM
Re: [alexsmith6] Strawberry lucky unlucky 3/17 - by Tracker_Guy - 03-18-2010, 06:52 AM

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