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Strawberry lucky unlucky 3/17
I can't believe all the old timers on here all anal about the letter of the law. In general, it seems to be a generational issue. I am all about punishing those who are damaging a fishery or intentionally breaking the law. In questionable situations where no damage is done, there is no need for nothing more than a warning or a "fix It" ticket.

I am thankful that the younger more pragmatic generation can see the wisdom in the principle no harm no foul. I too went fishing this year a few times before I realized my license was expired. I immediately went and purchased a license. I hardly ever keep fish so the fisheries I fished illegally were not impacted in any significant way by my presence.

I had a friend accidentally leave his license at home on a long trip but we still decided to fish. Many people on this forum thought we should have gone back home, yadda yadda. the problem with laws/rules is that they can interfere with a persons good judgment. That is why the adjectives of "anal" "letter of the law" and "strict" all have such negative connotations.

I will back you up that I think CO's who are out trolling for tickets rather than following the spirit of the laws are more of a harm than a benefit to our resources.

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry lucky unlucky 3/17 - by klam - 03-17-2010, 11:19 PM
Re: [klam] Strawberry lucky unlucky 3/17 - by Jacksonman - 03-19-2010, 11:54 PM

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