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Three Arrested for Big Game Violations
WATERBURY, VT - Vermont State Game Wardens have arrested three Northeast Kingdom people for violating big game hunting regulations.

The three have been cited to appear in Caledonia District Court for arraignment on March 8, 2010 for the following violations: Larry Cheeseman and his wife, Maria Cheeseman, of Lyndonville for selling the use of dogs to take black bear; and Vincent Cartularo of Lyndonville for selling the use of dogs to take black bear and the illegal sale of deer.

Each violation has a penalty of $200 to $500 in fines, restitution charges of up to $1,000 for each illegally taken big game animal, and a three-year loss of hunting, fishing and trapping licenses.

Contact:<br />
Col. David LeCours, Maj. Dennis Reinhardt, 802-241-3700


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Three Arrested for Big Game Violations - by FishNews - 03-23-2010, 11:19 AM

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