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Strawberry Ice Conditions Please
Good story!! On tuesday the 30th, there was solid ice all over the lake we could see. Edges were hard and about 50 to 100 yards east of the lodge there was at least 24 inches of ice. The auger was pretty low to the ice before I broke through. there was a lot of slush drilling and the auger bogged down and slipped a lot. Fishing was slow. Only 5 Cutts were caught from 730 am to 200 pm. 4 were in the slot and one was a small keeper. We used wax worms and night crawlers on white jigs (Paddle bugs) and at 11:30 the fishing got even slower. Not a single fish on the finder.

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry Ice Conditions Please - by Majja - 04-01-2010, 08:20 PM
Re: [Weekend_Warrior] Strawberry Ice COnditions Please - by fmrusmc - 04-02-2010, 12:04 AM

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