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sam i am, Nickajack, bream, 4-24-10, My son
Decided today would be a good day to get my three year old son Jackson started on what I hope will be a long tradition. He was all fired up on the long ride from Rossville to Anchor inn via ol 41. I keep askin if he was gonna catch a fish he sead yea and held his arms as wide as he could and sead this big daddy. We went to anchor and got some worms and the clerk asked him if he was going fishin and he sead yes mame Im gonna catch a shark! I'm glad the fish cooperated cause he got one on the first cast as soon as i put the rod in his hands he was reeling one in all on his own. Boy was he happy to see it. I took it off the hook for him and he wanted to put it back in not scared at all. He ended up catcing about five more before his interest was more on water than the fishing. Jack get out of the water, Jack quit throwing rocks, Jack quit throwing my bobbers in the lake! About the time I had had enough he had too but he wanted to catch one more so he could kiss one. Well after he got to kiss his fish he decided he wanted to keep it so he put it in worm box full of dirt to take home with him. Thank God bream are hardy fish because it was able to swim away. On the way home he was yawning so I asked if he was tired this musta ticked him off cause he shouted NOOO! Two minunites later he sead daddy I love you your my best friend then fell asleep for the rest of the ride home. emoUSA

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sam i am, Nickajack, bream, 4-24-10, My son - by FishNews - 04-26-2010, 09:00 AM

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