08-01-2003, 12:42 PM
yessa i believe in all the ethics there is but as far as the fishin it just gits me hot when yabeen there all your life and someone had to be misereable. it,s just too bad. but my point i guess i didn,t say is i think someone just posted it not bein anyones land. it,s owned by the town fer town use, water fer the firedept. there just bein miserable and don,t want anyone down there havin fun with the kids. but i hear ya as fer as the huntin but it,s also true that their is some that just don,t git it when it comes to huntin. there just not carin. i can tell ya good many stories of ones who caome up here and do the same. leave their --- in the woods beer cans ya i want to be huntin with them out there. but i also know of some of my own here as well that are the same so it isn,t just out of staters. but god help em if they fire at me or my own. and god help em if i see em shoot a doe without a permit. and drinkin in the woods and leavin stuff. we,ll have a problem.not in my territory. i did see sone one year who,d shoot and find out later whether it was a buck or doe and leace the doe. but tell me why are you quittin rifle, you know what you do! and you don,t! have to hunt with them, go somewhere they ain,t. why should you pay the price fer what they do?? i wouldn,t quit my rifle, just cause of others. we also have the hunters safety. but ya know whats funny, i took my son and his friend jeff when they were 12 to git it. i,d had cliff out since he was 8 years old huntin learnin, the woods holdin his rifle, learnin signs, tracks, the scents of a doe and buck when the buck is not in heat, listenin to the sounds in the woods, and i seen those kids git it before most adults ever got it. and some didn,t haha and still dont. i guess it,s in attidtudes. horray fer me and to == with you attitudes. i got a fryin pan. haha later