05-25-2010, 08:01 PM
Don't usually hang out here, but check every now and then. This has been a big topic on the General Forum. As to the Middle Provo, what White Bass will do is decimate the whole river. They are native to the rivers and streams of mid America. They were blocked by diversion dams along the lower river, but you could find them as far up the river as the KOA above Geneva Rd. They will thrive in the river, eat everything that the browns and bows eat. If they have established themselves in Deer Creek, they will eventually go down stream and populate the river. The will also move up the river from Deer Creek and mess up the section above Deer Creek to Jordanelle. Who ever did this has [url "mailto:F@#%&D"]F@#%&D[/url] every sportsman in the state. I hope someone will turn the T%^D in so that they can pay the tab for the damge that they have done. ( no excuse for the strong language, this can be a major disaster)