08-06-2003, 09:04 AM
Hey there guys,
Southern California Saltwater
Report for August 5, 2003 (Tuesday)
Way Up North- Avila Beach
Albie count very good along with the rockfish.
Up North- Channel Island
Lots of rockfish and White Sea Bass. Port Hueneme and CISC still doing great on the WSB!
LA Area- Catalina Island
Same O Same O lots of Calicos Barracuda but lot of sporties hanging around Huntington Flats for the Sand Bass.
Further South- San Clemente
Calicos doing fine with yellows handing around but not biting consistantly.
San Diego- Albacore and Locl
Albie fishing just fantastic but the local fishing.... I almost give up. Their landing counts are zilth. I guess one guy on the boats catch all the fish. LA area a whole different story. SD guys you must all be privite boaters!!
LA Local
The count for the landings was way low. Reason: The numbers going fishing was wayyyyyyyyyy lowwwwwwwwww. Limits of bass for most of the 3/4 day and some of the 1/2 day boats.
Victory got 340 sand bass for 30 anglers huh? what? See the Western Pride, Enterprise, Persuit and the Pierpoint out on the flats pretty often recently.
DoDo's seen on the kelp patties in San Diego!! Doh!