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What is the wierdest thing you've ever caught?
It must have been fifteen years ago at this point. There was a camp-out on the Jordan River, it was like a yearly thing. I think it was in American Fork somewhere pretty close to Utah Lake. I think it was a ward thing or a scout thing, and I'm sure someone knows what I am talking about cause it was a big, developed campground. Myself and a few friends were fishing the river, and catching alot of fish too. We were just using worms, and I dont even remember which one of us actually caught it but it started as a snag and when we reeled it in, there was a nice surprise on the end of the line. It was a muddy ziplock baggie. Upon further inspection we realized that there was a pipe in the baggie. Not only that, but when we opened it up and took it out, it was packed full of a powerful smelling green herbal substance. From what i have heard there are many different names for this "herbal substance" And if the pipe itself wasn't enough, it had one of those chamber-like areas in the middle and it was packed full of the "substance". Oh, the good ole days... it was a good thing that we were young enough to know better. had that happened three or four years later who knows what we would've have done with that situation. Probably wouldn't have ended so "appropriately".

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Re: [fishguru73] What is the wierdest thing you've ever caught? - by FISHINTIZZ - 06-25-2010, 02:26 AM

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