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9 Wiper and a Walleye from Willard today!
Jim and I hit Willard from the South Marina about 8:30 this morning and based upon other reports, headed for the southwest corner and the light tower, trolling crankbaits or bottom bouncers with walley worm rigs. We were blanked over there to boated on over to Freeway Bay.

We weren't in there long before we started getting into the Wipers, principally dragging bottom bouncers and walley rigs in a fire tiger or perch color tipped with nightcrawler. On at least 2 occasions we doubled with both of us fighting fish and trying to keep from tangling the other guy's lines. I caught 1 walleye on a flourescent pink jig and white curly tail behind a bottom bouncer and another dink on a worm harness.

We fished and and found fish throughout Freeway bay in about 15-18 feet of water.

The second shift of power squadron was just coming out like a parade about 2:30 when we quit and I've never seen the marina and ramps and parking lot so packed!

No pictures today as we were busy. My homebuilt sideplaner and tower worked perfectly but I still haven't caught any fish of of it- yet!

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9 Wiper and a Walleye from Willard today! - by NatefromOgden - 07-06-2010, 03:01 AM

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