07-07-2010, 03:39 AM
Thanks for the tips and advice, isn't it interesting some can catch them consistantly and others not, I don't get to spend alot of time patterning lakes and the fish so it is often hit and miss for us. I respect those who get to put in the hours and time to gain the knowlege to consistantly catch fish, My father loves to troll so thats how we chose to fish, In his day on the berry we would always catch alot of fish, we always trolled monofilalment line and an array of flatfish, I tried to tell him the lake has changed, fishing for trophy cuts and the limited amount of rainbows in the lake it will never fish the same, I love to jig but he doesn't feel it is affective. this was his trip, they are numbered now because of his age, so regardless of our fishing success it was a beautiful day on the berry. It brought back many great memories, On another day I will concentrate more on the fishing instead of the time spent with my father and son. Just a note though, the meadows were covered in mig hatches, there were spots they were so thick you could barely see water between them. I look forward to another day!