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Fishcat 4 is leaking air....HELP!
I think the best repairs are from the inside, at least thats the way repaired tires hold up best. So I've thought of working through a wide valve opening like Bonston, Hawkley, etc. if the hole happens to be close enough for access. Another possibility is using a large injection needle and syringe to carefully inject repair liquid into the leak area for small holes, and work it around from the outside. Might work where you have transparent bladder material and can see what you are doing. Anybody done that, or is it more trouble than its worth?


[quote djazzbass]Out on the water in my Fishcat 4 Deluxe and noticed my rear was getting a little wetter than normal, looked at the right bladder and it was way soft.

Took the bladder out at home, aired it up and readily found the hole right next to a "seam" on the bladder. The hole is small here, less than 1/16 "....but I suspect it will be hard to repair something right next to a seam like that.

Aquaseal? The Tear-.Aid patch that came with it? Replace the bladder?

As to cause, I air it up pretty firm, but always check for a little "give" in the fabric. This looks like something that would be due to overinflation.

While I'm at it, I don't have all that much confidence in the inflatable seat, if I were to replace it with foam (can I?), what would be the specs as far a thickness and type?

Any help is appreciated!



Messages In This Thread
Fishcat 4 is leaking air....HELP! - by djazzbass - 07-11-2010, 11:45 PM
Re: [djazzbass] Fishcat 4 is leaking air....HELP! - by pontoonman - 07-13-2010, 06:31 PM

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