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Suggestions for "big guy' boat?
Sorry, I didn't get the address of the movie, so haven't seen it. Getting in and out will be more difficult than a frame pontoon where you just position yourself near the seat and sit, do they show that part? You can stop and start just about anywhere in water up to waist high with a pontoon without having to get out/in, just stand up. Check out if the floor on the Eagle can take even temporary stand up pressure, some need a separate hard floorboard kit.

Hope this helps.

[quote MajBob]Anyone here have experience with the SeaEagle Framless Pontoon Boat? It has a great capacity rating, and its easy to transport, I think.

A friend knows a fellow whose brother-in-law's boss has a blow-up Sea Eagle kayak, and loves it. The video on theit website makes it appear to be exactly what we're looking for.

Bob Hendry[/quote]

Messages In This Thread
Suggestions for "big guy' boat? - by MajBob - 07-14-2010, 06:00 PM
Re: [MajBob] Suggestions for "big guy' boat? - by pontoonman - 07-17-2010, 08:50 PM

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