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Catfish in the pond
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Well first off, Corn is illegal to use for bait, or chum. Get yourself some uncooked shrimp, and night crawlers. This for the cats. do a worm and shrimp combo on your hook. I have had great luck fishing with a bobber. depending where your fish are my bait isn't no more than 2' under the bobber, it could vary though. Let your bobber set, patience.... The cats have a keen sense of smell but at times they need time to hunt it down. good luck

Messages In This Thread
Catfish in the pond - by zheng0249 - 07-18-2010, 04:18 AM
Re: [zheng0249] Catfish in the pond - by Smokerdog - 07-18-2010, 04:55 AM

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