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SFCR Walleyes and slime
[font "Times New Roman"]Today was windy on SFCR. The waves at 5:30 were just to much to launch. I waited until 6:45 and headed out. I should have tried to brave it a little earlier. [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]I hooked up with a scrappy little bass first and a fat Perch a little bit later. I rounded the corner and headed down the bank. I was trolling two cranks in 8 foot of water. Both were a crawdad but one was small one was medium. I hooked up with the first walleye in only a few yards. I swung around and went through the same spot again with the same results. The bank I had picked had fish and they wanted to bite. I kept working the spot and I had tons of action but missed several good bites, and released several smaller fish. Soon I had 4 nice eating sized walleyes. The largest was a fat 17” that was a ton of fun. I hooked up with a REAL nice fish about 10:30, and it kicked my hind end. I got to see it for just a bit before the plug came out of its mouth. That fish would likely have been the biggest walleye I have ever caught but not a monster. I got off the water and headed back by 1:00 pm. I have had better days for total numbers of any kind of fish but this was my best on walleye for the short time I had. SFCR is starting to get bad with the infamous green slime. It won’t be long and you won’t be able to troll a crank without it being covered in slime. The backwaters are all but un-fishable. I didn't take anyone with me this trip so I had to use the oar cam. Ron[/font]

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SFCR Walleyes and slime - by idahoron - 07-23-2010, 10:34 PM

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