08-15-2010, 09:21 PM
I like to keep my troll motor on low while hooked to a fish that is still far away for manuvering purposes. When a fish is caught or brought in closer to the toon, I do shut off the motor to avoid tangling in the prop. Some wary fish like to dive under cover of your toon at the last moment.
But, when you hook a powerful fish that strips line, it can run in a direction away from where you are facing. That means I may have to turn to face using foot propulsion and chase a distance using a troll. I like to use the thinnest line possible, because the water is so clear I seem to get more hits. I can also put more of the thin line on small reels set up on sensitive rods. Also I enjoy the challenge of using the lightest tackle possible, to catch the biggest fish. With practice, and some method of remote steering one can keep both hands on the tackle while using a troll to follow. The real challenge comes when trolling with more than one rod and having to manage a double hookup.
But, when you hook a powerful fish that strips line, it can run in a direction away from where you are facing. That means I may have to turn to face using foot propulsion and chase a distance using a troll. I like to use the thinnest line possible, because the water is so clear I seem to get more hits. I can also put more of the thin line on small reels set up on sensitive rods. Also I enjoy the challenge of using the lightest tackle possible, to catch the biggest fish. With practice, and some method of remote steering one can keep both hands on the tackle while using a troll to follow. The real challenge comes when trolling with more than one rod and having to manage a double hookup.