08-26-2010, 12:36 AM
I hit the middle provo Monday and caught about 10 or 12 nice browns mainly on PMDs and a few on hoppers. The fish were actively rising for PMDs from about 4-5:30 or 6 it seemed. I also stopped off at the Lower for a half hour or so and got one on a PMD nymph. The water was still running high for this time and it was off colored. After visiting some Provo friends I decided to go back up and hit the middle close to midnight. I'd never fished that late but I'd always heard of people using mouse patterns or streamers late at night to catch big browns. Since it was close to a full moon I thought why not. Unfortunately no luck, I probably fishing 30-45 mins. Anyone have any advice for fishing mouse patterns late a night? Do you strip them at all? Throw them up or downstream? Are there certain times? Do the browns hit the mouse patterns at night or is that just legend? I guess I have the same questions for streamer fishing too.