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drumking, chickamauga, bass, 8/23/10, Polo
Polo saw that I was on Facebook this AM and sent me an instant message and wanted to know if I could fish today. I was just getting ready to do a small home project (that can always be put on hold) and said yes. Just call me when you get ready to go. Well, he called me around 9:30 or so and by the time that I drove over to his house and we got started, it must have been 10:00 or later. Freida went with us.<br /><br />We looked into a creek channel that had been holding fish for Polo and after fishing for several minutes with only 1 small yellow bass to show for it, Mark decided to just move around in the creek to see if we could find the fish. It didn't take long for us to finally find the baitfish and the fish schooled up. Threw a marker out, and we had a double on the first cast. It was non-stop action from then on until we quit at 12:30. Conservative guess is 60-70 bass caught. Mostly yellow bass, but we landed about 7 largemouth, 8 or 10 catfish, and 1 drum to go along with all the yellow bass. There must be a million or two of those critters in the lake. We jigged spoons in 25-35 feet of water for the fish.<br /><br />Thanks, Mark, for taking me fishing today and giving me a lesson on the GPS unit. What you showed me will help me a bunch. Looking forward to another trip or two before the fish move off to greener waters. emoBigSmile emoGeezer I apologize for the poor quality of the pics. I got slime on the lens and didn't notice it until I got home. We saw Labman out there doing basically the same thing that we were doing. Good to talk to you this morning, Norman.

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drumking, chickamauga, bass, 8/23/10, Polo - by FishNews - 08-29-2010, 09:00 AM

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