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Slow start, Fast finish on starvation
MaDfisher55 and I started out early this morning at the crack of darkness heading to Starvation. Got to bunny gulch just as first light was showing itself. Hit the water by 6:30. Started off slow trying to locate the fish. Not many around. Water temps were down to the low to mid 60's. Quite cooler than a week and a half ago. Finally found a few fish hanging out in 20 feet plus of water. No bites. Nothing for over an hour or so. Finally Mark gets tired of no hits and switched to a rapala perch color. He started getting hits alright but not from wallies or perchies but troutskis. He had a brown hit it then rainbows. He caught a 20 incher. I switched but nothing yet. finally caught a perch on a drop shot. Then nothing. I pulled out the fly rod rigged up an olive woolly bugger and started to drag it across the bay when WHAM!!! a nice hit then another WHAM and this time I hooked up with a nice 17 incher. That was the first of starvation trout for me. Got across the channel without any more hits, and found a nice rocky area. Started to throw plastic jigs and had several smallies take charge. Finally some fun. The fishing picked up from then on. Non stop perch and smallie attack on chartreuse/power grubs and a perch colored crank. I even had a few perchettes come to the surface to see who was feeding them the worms.[:p] Got my largest smallie of the day on that crank. Finally got tired of harrassing the smallies and headed back across the bay pulling my woolly bugger and WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM!!!! four more rainbows ranging from 15" to 18". One even decided to do a little dance for me across the water. Inbetween the trout TopH2O dropped by to say hello on his way to the back of the bay chasing perch. He said they got three walleye after three hours of fishing. Mark had several more hookups of trout before we headed out for the day and the white caps picked up around 1:45 pm. All in all a great day on the water.[cool] Mark took several photos I will see if he can get them posted as well. Here is what I was able to take.[laugh]

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Slow start, Fast finish on starvation - by albinotrout - 09-01-2010, 02:28 AM

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