08-18-2003, 03:30 AM
Southern California Saltwater
Report for August 17, 2003 (Sunday)
100+_White Sea Bass caught by the Toronado Today!
Blue Horizon 1 day trip with 13 anglers got 37 yellowtail and 65 albacore! Good Job
Way Up North- Avila
Albacore and limits of rockfish caught.
Up North- Channel Islands
Lots of Sand Bass and other fish especially at Channel Island Sportfishing Center and Port Hueneme.
LA Area- Catalina
Calicos, Barracuda, Yellowtail, WSB.... What else do you want.
Further South- San Clemente
Calicos, a few barrries and yellowtail. So the yellows are finally starting to nibble, nibble, nibble, but not bite.
San Diego- Local and Albacore
Awesome albie trips by almost all the multi-day boats. Yellows being caught on a few 3/4 day boats.
La Local
Santa Monica Bay landing did OK today with Redondo getting the honors 1000+ bass. 1/2 the other landings had about 1000 sand bass, with barracuda. I think the bass are starting to thin and are coming in schools or waves of fish.
Lots of anglers out there comparied to the fish counts.