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Hal, Chick, Mixed, 9-27-10, Alone in the rain
I sure like fishing in the rain, emoSmile emoThumbsup Put in about 7 AM with a lite sprinkle in the dark, heavy overcast skies, emoRain I was pretty sure I was in for a wet day but the temp was about 60* so pretty nice. It was a great day to say the least, emoFish Lots'a fish, at one time I had 8 crappie on 8 casts in a row and maybe could have had more but it hit the beam holding the boat up while trying to shoot under it and the jig didn't hit the area where the fish were, emoDoh They were in an area about 6 foot diameter and very few outside that area, emoScratch The day started out kinda slow and only had 18 at 9:30 from under 1 dock so thought I had better move to pick up the pace. Out of that 18 I had 8 keepers over 11 inches. Man I'm glad I did move. The next dock yielded 42 crappie, 1 'gill, and a blue cat that was around 10 lbs. It's hard to net that size blue cat by yourself. I had him on 6 lb line and got him to the boat twice but couldn't get the net under him before he took another dive. After the 2nd dive he got around a dock post and broke the line, emoAngry I'd like to have at least had a picture, emoAngry Anyway that 42 brought the total up to 50 and I thought, as it was raining pretty good by then, I'd look for another dock, maybe one I could get under. Found a 'toon boat in a floating dock that I couldn't pass up without giving it a shot or two underneath. I caught 5 more out from under that and they were the best of the day, all over 12 inches, :o At that time I THOUGHT I had my limit and since I was putting them in the cooler to keep, (fish fry coming up!) they all looked dead so couldn't cull to keep those bigger fish, emoAngry That hurts and on top of that I miscounted while trying to count in the cooler and only had 14, emoMad All in all it was a very good day, 55 crappie will make your day seem better even if it's in the rain, which I don't mind at all and I didn't see a single other boat other than one ocean going lookin destroyer going up river, emoScratch Water temps were 77*-78* with some current. Bait of the day was BG Bluegrass and PA Albino with the tail dipped. When they stopped on the Bluegrass I tried a couple different others but found that they wanted the Albino with the dip, all on a 1/32nd lead head. It was also a good day on jigs, I only lost the 1 jig that the blue cat took with him, emoSmile Keeper rate was about 60% and I put back some really nice fish, well over 11 inches. The first 18 were caught in 20 FOW and the rest were in about 10 FOW - all fish were mostly on a 6 count today, emoSmile With the looks of the weather forecast I believe the water temp will be down into mid 70's by the end of the week and the crappie fishing should really be fun by then emoThumbsup emoFish emoFish emoFish

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Hal, Chick, Mixed, 9-27-10, Alone in the rain - by FishNews - 09-30-2010, 09:00 AM

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