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Walleyes galore at Deer Creek
[shocked]I don't understand why the DWR can't find a different way to do their studies on our lakes without killing all those fish. It seems to me that the amount of fish they kill when gill-netting is very unnecessary. I helped with one of these netting studies years ago at willard bay and it made me sick to my stomach the amount of nice fish that were killed. And what do they need this many fish for anyway, can't they find what they need in about a dozen fish or so? [mad]Where's the public fish fry after all these fish are pulled out of our lakes or are they just wasted. I might have the wrong idea about this but it seems kind of fishy to me. Can any of you help me to understand why this method has to continue.

Messages In This Thread
Walleyes galore at Deer Creek - by perchinski - 10-14-2010, 02:00 AM
Re: [perchinski] Walleyes galore at Deer Creek - by perchound - 10-14-2010, 01:59 PM

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