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Fishing report pier by Mead Marina 10/17
[#000000][size 5]How to clean a turtle[/size][/#000000]
[size 5][/size]
So, by some method, you have come into the possession of 1 or more legally edible turtles. Congratulations! They are legendarily good eating. Or, if you're into catching, cleaning, and eating turtles, there's a good chance that you might refer to them as good eatin', if that makes any difference.

What do you do with it (them)? Well, that's where this instructable comes into play.

1. Put live turtle in a 55 gal. drum for 7 days, to allow it to empty it's system, it helps with the smell. Keep fresh water in the drum. Scoop out the feces with a net.

2. Using channel locks, hold him tight by the mouth with neck stretched out. Cut off his head.

3. Hang him upside down to bleed out for about 30 minutes.

4. Put him on his back, cut claws and feet off.

5. Cut skin around shell top and bottom, cut and pull skin away from shell on the front legs until skin is removed.

6. On the soft shell belly outside edge of shell, cut through soft shell contact points and remove.

7. Remove guts and innards.

8. Remove front legs, may need to twist to break the joint.

9. Cut and peel skin from back legs and neck.

10. Remove back legs and neck, again twisting to break joints.

11. Leave meat on bone, but try to remove as much fat as possible.

12. Wash with cold water, repeat until clean.

13. Freeze submerged in water.

Many thanks to Chad Glidden for sharing this information.

Chad says to cook the turtle like you would chicken. Season it with paprika, salt and pepper and roll in flour. Fry in a skillet or bake it like a pork tenderloin.

[Image: 8x06_20laurel_spiny.jpg]

[#000000][size 3][font "arial"][size 5]Southern Twice Fried Turtle[/size]
[red][size 2]Our thanks to Bruce R. for sending this recipe.[/size][/red][/font] [/size][/#000000]
[#000000][size 3][font "arial"]
~ 1 medium sized soft shell turtle, cut into serving size pieces
~ 2 cups flour
~ 1 tbsp black pepper
~ 1 tsp salt
~ 1 tsp garlic salt
~ 1 tsp onion powder
~ 1 tsp paprika
~ oil
[/font][/size][/#000000][#000000][size 3][font "arial"]
In a large bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients

Fill a large cast iron skillet half full of oil. Heat to 325 degrees.

Coat the turtle pieces in the flour mixture and place in the hot oil.

Once turtle is browned, reduce heat to medium. After the oil has cooled to a slow fry, remove skillet from heat and add 1 cup of water. BE CAREFUL!!! Remember to remove the skillet from the stove in case of boil over. Remember oil and water don't like to mix. USE CAUTION!

Return the skillet to the stove. Cover and cook until all of the water has cooked out.

Uncover and fry turtle until it starts to get crispy. Remove and drain.

Serve with your favorite side dishes such as gravy, grits and biscuits.

Enjoy![/font] [/size][/#000000]

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Re: [TheWhizzle] Fishing report pier by Mead Marina 10/17 - by TheWhizzle - 10-21-2010, 07:59 PM

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