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Tenkara for a new fly fisherman?
I agree with Riverdog. Tenkara is fishing with a fly, but it isn't fly fishing so to speak.
You need to learn to cast(all styles), mend and strip first in my opinion. Then Tenkara makes much more sense once you know that.
Plus Tenkara is a specific style. Not meant big rivers, or stillwater.
Very limited.

But, then I am not impressed with LOOP either. Heard their customer service is lacking fro several.

I say a good 9' or 8'6" 5 weight with action that suits you style. Don't skimp on line and a good reel (does not need to be high dollar).
For trout a reel is just a place to store your line, but a fair drag is a good thing.
Several of my reels are in the $50. range.

Once you get the gear, don't worry so much about over head casting as new comers tend to rush it causing a tangled mess. Go to water and practice roll casting. Need water though.

Messages In This Thread
Tenkara for a new fly fisherman? - by ditchbanker - 10-21-2010, 11:37 PM
Re: [ditchbanker] Tenkara for a new fly fisherman? - by flygoddess - 10-22-2010, 12:54 AM

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