10-25-2010, 03:17 PM
Didn't have much time, but my son and I made a quick stop, about 90 minutes, on the Soldier Creek side of the lake last Friday afternoon. The wind was blowing pretty good and rain was threatening and it was cold. We chose a nice steep slope with clean water. I tied on a 3.5" tube and my son tried a spinner. After ten casts, two fish to hand and five other hits for me, my son quickly tied on an identical tube bait to mine and soon he was tied on to a nice fish. We had lots of hits but with the fish hitting so hard they often missed the hook so we only ended up with seven to hand, six rainbows and one nice 23" cutt. Took three damaged bows home for dinner and put the rest back. The rainbows were really hammering those jigs and the three really got buggered up but they were pretty tasty.