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Henry's Lake F&G Proposal
I hope that they don't extend the season as I personally feel that Henry's is a truly unique fishery. I mean look around the area, what other body of water boasts a chance at a double digit fish on a fly? If anything I wish they would put a slot limit on the fish taken from the lake maybe 2 between 16-19 or something like that. Along with upping the number of hybrids planted into the lake.

Most of the people I know fish Henry's because it is known for it's production of large fish and they practice catch and release if they do hook a monster... I have a hard time believing the 90% die of old age...where the hell do they go.... rot at the bottom of the lake? Float to the top?? How do they even calculate this?

I'd be all for a closed area for kids only around the state and county docks in the spring and fall, I too have seen people snagging, and mutilating the fish.

I did notice that the fish were smaller on average this year. Although I did catch a much larger number of brook trout vs. cutts (this fall) which I thought was nice and still managed to hit some 6-9lb hybrids also. No double digit monsters but there is always next year................

Messages In This Thread
Henry's Lake F&G Proposal - by lone_wolf - 11-04-2010, 05:26 PM
Re: [curt69] Henry's Lake F&G Proposal - by prvrt - 11-04-2010, 09:45 PM
Re: [curt69] Henry's Lake F&G Proposal - by MMDon - 11-07-2010, 12:54 PM
Re: [Everet14] Henry's Lake F&G Proposal - by GP - 11-07-2010, 10:12 PM
Re: [lone_wolf] Henry's Lake F&G Proposal - by flyaddict - 11-09-2010, 07:18 PM

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