11-13-2010, 04:19 AM
point made and I understand this so why don't they try a rationle means of eradicating the other fish that are over bearing the water way like the carp I mean they have talked about poisening it but that would hurt more than just one speicies it would affect them all and the habitat... I went to one of the main cutthroat hatcheries in my area in grace and they by no means in an endangerd state not even close go to say they have thousands of them that they are sceduled to release everymonth in various places and if they where to worried they would stricken the catch on them and make them an imediat release....... Also just a thought if survival after release is a question to them why don't they wait tell they are biger than fingerlings to release wait tell they are big enough to fend for them selfs the survival would jump I think alot if they did this and they would have a better chance of living long enough to spawn a couple times in there life.... Also on the muskie I really don't think they would do to much harm and just a side note they stock them in pineview in utah and they are not any where but there they are not in causey up stream and there not below the damn on the ogden river and it feeds bolth them as well as willard bay and there not there as well I think they would stay localized they may wander some but they stay prety localized for the most part ... But hey I do enjoy reading every ones opinions and thoughts as we all have different opinions it is nice to have them put into one area fo reading ..