11-24-2010, 01:42 AM
Utah Stream Access Coalition General Membership Meeting
Wednesday 15 December, 2010 7:00 PM - 9;00 PM
Murray City Library
166 East 5300 South
Murray, UT 84107-6075
(801) 264-2580
This is an open meeting. All members and interested parties are encouraged to be in attendance. An agenda will be posted at a later time, but there are some exciting items of discussion.
WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. This is for ALL of us!!
Wednesday 15 December, 2010 7:00 PM - 9;00 PM
Murray City Library
166 East 5300 South
Murray, UT 84107-6075
(801) 264-2580
This is an open meeting. All members and interested parties are encouraged to be in attendance. An agenda will be posted at a later time, but there are some exciting items of discussion.
WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. This is for ALL of us!!