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the possibility of a B-run on a 6wt fly rod?
Osprey, I wasn't accusing you of being a bar-fly, just that the story you told is one I have heard propogated by the locals up there, especially when there seems to be a lot of unclipped fish in the river. I would be interested in knowing which F&G officer told you that, and especially so since he encouraged you to break the law while still in uniform. I have some experience with the F&G in that area.

I didn't mean to accuse you of tribe bashing either. I don't recall you ever doing that in the past, and am sorry for making it sound like I was accusing you of something. That wasn't really my intent, but after re-reading my post it sure came off that way.

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Re: [osprey02] the possibility of a B-run on a 6wt fly rod? - by Mojo1 - 11-24-2010, 06:34 PM

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