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Henry's Lake Poacher
First of all if it is the real poacher that is posting they seem to have taken responsibilty for what they have done.

Secondly I get as mad as anyone when I see a poacher breaking the law. In this case the poacher was caught and will be prosecuted.

In my opinion we should not try to be the judge and jury on Bigfishtackle. Nothing wrong with discussing the incident and working together to save our resources.

Lets let the judicial system take its course. I know I have made enough mistakes in my life that I don't want to be the one throwing stones. Just my two cents.



I know you probably think I'm nuts for doing this, but i want to apologize for this incident. I was the main perpetrator in this poaching incident.

[#ff0000]Without excuse, I knew the regulations, and I broke them.[/#ff0000] At first, when I got caught I was really mad. But, as I've had time to reflect on the incident, and wait for my court date and impending fines, Dec. 15th, I have really come to understand the importance of the regulations and limitations for fisherman.

Before now, I never really took fishing regulations seriously. I felt, naively that there was an unlimited resource of fish. But, I now realize that the kind of fishing up at Henry's that many enjoy is only maintained by regulations.

I want to apologize to all of you fisherman who love the sport, follow the regulations, and who make it possible for all of us to enjoy the fishing we have here in this great state.

I promise you guys that I will never break the fishing limit again, and will do my utmost to make this right, whatever charges or fine incurred.

Again, I'm sorry.

-Ice Hole Fisher- [:/] "

Messages In This Thread
Henry's Lake Poacher - by aintskeerd - 12-11-2010, 05:47 PM
Re: [aintskeerd] Henry's Lake Poacher - by windriver - 12-11-2010, 06:05 PM
Re: [mudsucker] Henry's Lake Poacher - by jigs - 12-12-2010, 06:26 AM
Re: [jigs] Henry's Lake Poacher - by Bmarsh - 12-12-2010, 08:35 AM
Re: [Bmarsh] Henry's Lake Poacher - by curt69 - 12-12-2010, 10:56 AM
Re: [Bmarsh] Henry's Lake Poacher - by MMDon - 12-12-2010, 03:03 PM
Re: [MMDon] Henry's Lake Poacher - by flygoddess - 12-12-2010, 04:23 PM
Re: [mudsucker] Henry's Lake Poacher - by Bmarsh - 12-12-2010, 04:45 PM
Re: [Bmarsh] Henry's Lake Poacher - by mudsucker - 12-12-2010, 05:00 PM
Re: [Bmarsh] Henry's Lake Poacher - by cpierce - 12-12-2010, 05:37 PM
Re: [michael44] Henry's Lake Poacher - by prvrt - 12-12-2010, 07:32 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Henry's Lake Poacher - by MMDon - 12-14-2010, 02:22 AM

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