08-25-2003, 08:26 PM
Yes I have, and it is a 6 wt. very nice rod. but I went on and got me a Winston IBIS 5 wt. they are both fine rods. I got a Reddington reel and $200.00 in flys, I am ready, but I think I might sit tight and wait untill it gets colder and sneak up there then, gas prices just went stupid agin. With labor day around the corner the glottons are at it again. its $2.50 a gallon. I thhought I was at a movie theater getting popcorn standing there with sticker shock you know what I mean.
give me the link to the cal board, the one I use is
[url "http://www.socalfishing.net/"]http://www.socalfishing.net/[/url]
Hey thanks again
give me the link to the cal board, the one I use is
[url "http://www.socalfishing.net/"]http://www.socalfishing.net/[/url]
Hey thanks again