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Whats left of Willard Bay (not for the weak hearted)
you think thats bad go take a gander at echo reservoir and how the gates are wide open during the mid summer of one of the worse droughts this year has recorded to date. my question is what will the farmers do once willard is too low and won stabilize from one winter. nothing to draw from means nothing to water with means nothing to grow which means sky rocket prices from farmers and crop growers locally. brilliant management people. instead of cutting the season short and milking for a few years just dump it all one year and have one mediocre year and millions of fishing dollars lost into one of the most popular state fisheries.

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Re: [Theekillerbee] Whats left of Willard Bay (not for the weak hearted) - by Xman - 08-26-2003, 03:31 AM

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