12-21-2010, 04:05 AM
[quote IAintLying][font "Helvetica-Bold"][size 1][font "Helvetica-Bold"][size 1]
[left]BAG LIMIT: [/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Helvetica"][size 1][font "Helvetica"][size 1]The maximum number of fish that may be lawfully
[left]harvested by any one person in one day. The term “bag limit”
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Helvetica"][size 1][font "Helvetica"][size 1]
[left]shall be construed to be an individual, independent effort and
[left]shall not be interpreted in any manner as to allow an individual
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Helvetica"][size 1][font "Helvetica"][size 1]
[left]to take more fish than their “bag limit” and including them in
[left]filling the “bag limit” of another. The bag and possession limits
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Helvetica"][size 1][font "Helvetica"][size 1]
[left]are equal, except where listed in region exceptions and for
salmon and steelhead.
I have always thought, and still do so after seeing this quote that if the limit is 6 then that counts what is in your freezer as those that are in your possesion also.
So unless a seperate exception is made:
I could go catch 6 fish....or whatever a particular limit may be...go home, cook 1, freeze 5, then technically I can only catch one more the next day or untill I have less in posession?
Also, If I caught 6....or whatever the particular limit is....by noon, ate 2 for lunch, that is still my bag limit for the day as I kept 6 already that day even if I only have 4 left in possesion?
Is that how it works or is intended to be?
[left]BAG LIMIT: [/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Helvetica"][size 1][font "Helvetica"][size 1]The maximum number of fish that may be lawfully
[left]harvested by any one person in one day. The term “bag limit”
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Helvetica"][size 1][font "Helvetica"][size 1]
[left]shall be construed to be an individual, independent effort and
[left]shall not be interpreted in any manner as to allow an individual
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Helvetica"][size 1][font "Helvetica"][size 1]
[left]to take more fish than their “bag limit” and including them in
[left]filling the “bag limit” of another. The bag and possession limits
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Helvetica"][size 1][font "Helvetica"][size 1]
[left]are equal, except where listed in region exceptions and for
salmon and steelhead.
I have always thought, and still do so after seeing this quote that if the limit is 6 then that counts what is in your freezer as those that are in your possesion also.
So unless a seperate exception is made:
I could go catch 6 fish....or whatever a particular limit may be...go home, cook 1, freeze 5, then technically I can only catch one more the next day or untill I have less in posession?
Also, If I caught 6....or whatever the particular limit is....by noon, ate 2 for lunch, that is still my bag limit for the day as I kept 6 already that day even if I only have 4 left in possesion?
Is that how it works or is intended to be?