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Strange fishing partner posts!
Mink are jerks when they know you've got fish. when I was younger I was fishing with my grandpa on the river near Coalville. we had a couple fish on a stringer sitting in the water when I heard the stringer rattling. It was a mink and he was halfway through gnawing the head off of one of our fish. We let him finish gnawing through and take the one he had already chewed up before I chased him away.

Also last summer I was fishing for bass at Mantua on the north side of the hill and I kept hearing rustling in the grasses next to me. After a while the rustler got up enough nerve to come out and say hello. A weasel! He hung out for probably 20 minutes just watching me fish. He'd try to get close then see me take a look at him then he'd run off then try to get close again then I'd look at him and he'd be off again.

Messages In This Thread
Strange fishing partner posts! - by MarineSpear - 01-07-2011, 01:13 PM
Re: [sewfish] Strange fishing partner posts! - by chickendude1234 - 01-07-2011, 09:52 PM

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