01-09-2011, 12:29 AM
My story is not about fishing, but duck hunting. I went down to the mouth of a local creek and set up about a dozen duck decoys. It was winter and the snow was deep. After the deeks were set, I put on a white jump suit and layed down along the creek bank in the snow. As I was waiting for legal shooting hours, I hear a "SPLASH, SPLASH" I sat up and see a doe deer running down the middle of the creek right thought my deeks and head out into Bear Lake swimming. The deer disappeared and I proceeded to shoot a few ducks. Then about an hour later I hear this splashing sound again and I sit up. The deer swam back right into the middle of my deeks. It was shaking off the water and then it simply tipped over and died. I was scared as hell since I work for Wildlife Resources. I left the deeks, went home and called the C.O. Explained what happened right in the middle of deeks. We checked out the deer later and we could find no explanation of why it died besides shock or hypothermia. Strange!!!