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Strawberry Question?
This season of ice conditions is really screwy. Meaning there was about an inch of ice on strawberry in some areas when the 3 feet of snow fell. It collapsed the ice and froze the snow as ice. If that makes sense. I would think that if I had to ride to the narrows to catch a fish I would ride on the shore. Now I know this might sound crazy to ya but they loose snowmobiles through the ice every year. We just dont hear alot about it. But whatever you choose to do it is your perogative. I just thought that when I read this question I had to give a warning. There is not a fish big enough for me to ride to the narrows this year anyway. Always the PIkeman.

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry Question? - by boat_guy - 01-10-2011, 03:35 AM
Re: [boat_guy] Strawberry Question? - by PIKEMAN99 - 01-10-2011, 04:16 AM

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