01-13-2011, 11:28 PM
the fly snaps off because of a wrong motion in your cast somewhere. same with the wind knots. The line hasn't traveled to the proper point over and behind you before you start your forward motion or some other hitch in it that way. You will figure it out. A big enough butt section on your leader tied to your line is needed to heave bigger flies. It may be easier for you to practice with smaller flies rather than big streamers for sure. Something no bigger than a 4 and no smaller than a 12 or so. You will replace your tippet often but your leader will be fine if you are tossing the right flies for the size of the butt section. Sounds like lots to learn, and you will over time.
That's a good idea to wear some glasses when casting also. You'll see that fly coming back at you and wish you had some.
That's a good idea to wear some glasses when casting also. You'll see that fly coming back at you and wish you had some.