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Two Face Charges of Poaching Northern Pike
WATERBURY, VT - Two men were arrested on April 1 for illegal possession and transportation of northern pike while fishing at a tributary of Lake Champlain.

State Game Wardens Dale Whitlock and Lt. Donald Isabelle apprehended the two men who had been fishing below a dam on Dead Creek in Panton. One had 14 trophy-sized northern pike in the back of his truck, 9 over the daily limit.

Justin M. Bushey, 31, of Addison was charged for having over the limit of northern pike. If convicted, his fines and restitution cost could be $452 and he would lose his hunting, fishing and trapping licenses for one year.

Dwayne Christian 42, of Shoreham was charged with illegal transportation of fish. If convicted, he could be fined $256 and also lose his hunting, fishing and trapping licenses for one year.

This time of year many fish species are traveling up rivers and streams to spawn. When fish encounter a barrier such as dams or culverts, they are often found in large numbers and therefore are highly vulnerable to predators and poachers.

Game wardens increase their vigilance of spawning waters during the spring in efforts to protect and conserve Vermont's natural fish population. In addition to surveillance by game wardens, cases such as this are often generated by a phone call from a concerned observer. If you observe a fish or wildlife violation, please make the call. Contact your local State Police Dispatcher or you may call anonymously using the Operation Game Thief Hotline by dialing 1-800-75ALERT(1-800-752-5378).

Media Contact

Col. David LeCours, 802-241-3700


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Two Face Charges of Poaching Northern Pike - by FishNews - 01-16-2011, 12:17 PM

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