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New bass regs. Would it have been better to...?
Again, I'm trying to figure out where your numbers come from. I have directed many tournaments on all of the southern Utah lakes and have done so when the water is warmest. Even so the mortality rate is never close to 25% no matter what you claim. It always has been less.

This discussion gets a few select individuals really heated and I'm not sure why. I am a UTAH angler not just a bass angler. I participate in tournaments. I have a vested interest in the Utah bass waters. I have just as many rights as any other angler. Why are tournaments such an alarming issue to others? I really don't understand the venom that gets tossed around when people start discussing bass tournaments.

PBH, I agree that 60 boats on Newcastle would be a complete joke... However, that being said I've never seen or herd of a tournament with more than 16 boats. If there was one, there was never more than 20. The large tournaments are all held on Flaming Gorge and Lake Powell.

What i'm saying is this: We as bass tournament anglers have opinions that may be different than the "average" angler in UT. Does that make us wrong? Does that make tournaments bad? No, it's just a different point of view. Like I said, come see us, experience the tournament and competition of it yourself.

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Re: [wormandbobber] New bass regs. Would it have been better to...? - by ifishutah - 01-19-2011, 09:29 PM

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