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Another new Cache Valley Member
I've stumbled across this site trying to decide where to try today and since Porky didn't have any press I decided to hit Hyrum... It was a late day after the honeydue's around home this morning, but got on the ice around 2:00... Didn't see anything on the graph after a half hour, so I moved to a spot that was good a couple weeks ago and had my limit of planters in about a half hour... Somehow that Masterbuilt smokers got me keeping the fish again... Thanks again for everyone's tips, I don't have many spare minutes in my life so it's sure fun to be able to catch a fish when I finally get out to try.... By the way the fish were only about 7 feet under the surface today, seen lots of folks fishing the bottom and not catching anything... Later..

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Another new Cache Valley Member - by SkunkedAgain - 01-30-2011, 06:43 AM

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