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Hyrum 2/4/2011
Hey sorry I 'm not very consistant in getting back to post, Cutler was at ice off tonight, I drove down to the marina and wished I had a pole to try it, but had chores to do...

Cutler is a reservoir that is very tempermental for ice thickness, since it is so shallow currents drive the ice thickness and you can't trust it, always need to check before you commit... One thing that might save you is most areas are shallower than your nose so if you go through you can still touch... However around the marina bridge and the river channels that doesn't hold true.

If you're looking for a place to cast for Crappie you might try the marina... I seen a guy up by the Benson church pull out a nice one nearly frying pan size fishing through a melted hole in the ice around the drains.. It makes me want to try it, but I haven't had time... Again for the anal retentive group I was driving by and didn't measure the fish so don't go off with my size estimate... But it was one of the larger crappie I've seen in Utah...

Messages In This Thread
Hyrum 2/4/2011 - by FishinFool53 - 02-04-2011, 11:31 PM
Re: [CoyoteSpinner] Hyrum 2/4/2011 28" Brown' - by SkunkedAgain - 02-09-2011, 04:36 AM
Re: [FishinFool53] Hyrum 2/4/2011 - by toadly - 02-07-2011, 08:08 PM
Re: [toadly] Hyrum 2/4/2011 - by FishinFool53 - 02-07-2011, 09:46 PM
Re: [FishinFool53] Hyrum 2/4/2011 - by lavaman - 02-08-2011, 12:29 AM
Re: [FishinFool53] Hyrum 2/4/2011 - by toadly - 02-08-2011, 12:48 PM
Re: [FishinFool53] Hyrum 2/4/2011 - by Utcatman - 02-09-2011, 05:28 AM
Re: [Utcatman] Hyrum 2/4/2011 - by Fin-S-Fish - 02-10-2011, 07:57 AM

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