09-03-2003, 10:49 PM
While I don't claim to be a Mack expert...O.K. I do...but...only when I've had a beer too many. Here's what I know and don't know. I know most of the big Macks stay on the 80' line when feeding. Most of them are around the Lucerne/Antelope flat area. They are of course scattered across the lake but this is where they are the most concentrated. I know (or surmise) the big ones don't feed on Koke's when they (Koke's) are spread across the lake, rather, I believe, they eat Carp. Here's why: Koke's are too fast for the big, fat Macks, I'm fat and don't try to run down Antelope when I can buy a Porterhouse. As we move into the next three weeks, their (Mack's) feeding habits will change. As the Koke's stack up and move to spawn, the Macks will follow. The Koke's will be more intreseted in spawning than staying alive. I remember a time in the 70's that happened to me. KEY POINT: Mack's spawn 3 weeks after the Koke's, they need the high protein and fat content the Koke's provide to carry then through the spawn. Think Bears and Salmon here. The easiest time to catch Mack's is during the spawn, but remember....YOU ARE CATCHING FISH THAT MAKE MORE FISH. During the spawn they strike out of a protection instict (like LM bass) more than hunger. Here's what I don't know: I've always had a hard time catching Mack's during the summer. I've nickeled and dimed the big ones, but not like the Fall-Spring. I get shut out more in the summer than any other time of year. I've also never caught a Mack deeper than 100', maybe that's why I don't think they're feeding then. I have of late devolped some new idea's and tactics that will have to wait until I get back to try. Or.....I might be full of the proverbial POOPOO. I forgot to mention, every big Mack I've ever caught came off a jig. Figure out what they want and your in there. As soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know. In 2 weeks I would use something with pink and white in it. Just a guess.