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govment cheese
last week at boxcar cove i tried all sorts of lures, cranks, top water, suspending, rubber and jigs with trailers for no luck. this week at government wash i put a hook at the end of the line and a 3/8 ounce bell sinker about 2 feet up from it and used a whole anchovie or sardine, not sure what i had, which ever the shorter ones are. we paddled out deep in the cove and casted and just let the light wind drift us towards shore and bounced the sinker off the bottom.

both the fish i got were probably 75 yards from shore in about 15-20 feet deep right on the bottom. they hit really lightly and was kinda hard to tell if it was just bottom or a bite, i set the hook alot on bottom bounce i think but a few time it was a striper

Messages In This Thread
govment cheese - by montananinnv - 03-20-2011, 10:27 PM
Re: [montananinnv] govment cheese - by BigE - 03-21-2011, 12:05 PM
Re: [4poundonly] govment cheese - by montananinnv - 03-21-2011, 07:50 PM

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