03-25-2011, 05:00 AM
I said this in another thread and I will say it again. Plant food. The surrounding states do it with great success. When you plant 9+ inch trout by the thousands that all they do is consume and put nothing back into the ecosystem, yeah you are gonna have an situation that warrants planting instead of natural reproduction. And there are still no native fish to a resivoir. The fish in the river were suited for the river conditions. The problem is that most man made resivoirs around here are what, 50, 60 years old? They are devoid of the natural nutrients that occur in most natural lakes. Those pretty rocks you fish next to look like great fish structure, but when the whole lake is like that, it sucks for the bottom of the food chain.
Would you rather catch 25 9-11" rainbows in a day or 5-6 22"-26"? Sound unrealistic? Go fish Idaho or Wyoming once. The difference is, they plant a whole lot of fingerlings. Trout fingerlings, walleye fingerlings, bass fingerlings, ect. Yeah, they get ate up by bigger fish in droves but, a few make it to the next year, and a few the next, just like a real life biology experiment with real fish and real lakes[shocked]. No, you cant expect canyon lakes to produce walleye or smallmouth naturally like the great lakes, just like you cant expect deer creek to grow massive cutthroat like Utah lake used to. Its just not as balanced. So.... plant multiple species that do well and FEED EM!
The problem lies when a large amount of the population wants to go to the lake throw a marshmellow, and catch a limit of 10inchers or else... Im gonna call my senator, dwr, county sheriff, mom, everybody on the forum, and anyone else who will listen about how much better the fishing was in 1982 and now they have all these fish I cant catch with cheese and where is my license money going and yada yada yada.
Start managing the freakin lakes instead taking the lazy way out by dumping the latest crop from the trout farm in the lake. Why do trout fishermen even fish diffent lakes, a change in scenery? They want to use pink power bait instead of green? Maybe the fish in this lake likes willow leaf pop gear instead of colorado? Everybody think about that real hard. Wouldnt you like to have divesity a stones throw away? We have so many great places within a few miles of each other with the potential to do so much more. And yet we dump rainbow trout in every stinkin one of them. Give me a break.
Would you rather catch 25 9-11" rainbows in a day or 5-6 22"-26"? Sound unrealistic? Go fish Idaho or Wyoming once. The difference is, they plant a whole lot of fingerlings. Trout fingerlings, walleye fingerlings, bass fingerlings, ect. Yeah, they get ate up by bigger fish in droves but, a few make it to the next year, and a few the next, just like a real life biology experiment with real fish and real lakes[shocked]. No, you cant expect canyon lakes to produce walleye or smallmouth naturally like the great lakes, just like you cant expect deer creek to grow massive cutthroat like Utah lake used to. Its just not as balanced. So.... plant multiple species that do well and FEED EM!
The problem lies when a large amount of the population wants to go to the lake throw a marshmellow, and catch a limit of 10inchers or else... Im gonna call my senator, dwr, county sheriff, mom, everybody on the forum, and anyone else who will listen about how much better the fishing was in 1982 and now they have all these fish I cant catch with cheese and where is my license money going and yada yada yada.
Start managing the freakin lakes instead taking the lazy way out by dumping the latest crop from the trout farm in the lake. Why do trout fishermen even fish diffent lakes, a change in scenery? They want to use pink power bait instead of green? Maybe the fish in this lake likes willow leaf pop gear instead of colorado? Everybody think about that real hard. Wouldnt you like to have divesity a stones throw away? We have so many great places within a few miles of each other with the potential to do so much more. And yet we dump rainbow trout in every stinkin one of them. Give me a break.