04-02-2011, 06:06 PM
Well it seem like there are alot of ppl like me that love fishing bearlake!!! If we want some change or if we just want to protect bearlake and keep the fishing good then we need to put all of are thoughts together and email them to david.teusher@idfg.idaho.gov AND craigschaugaard@ytah.gov.....everyone on this website"bigfishtackle" has nothing but good to say about darin pugmire.. He has a great ideas for bearlake and he has alot of pull so if "YOU" love to fish bearlake then lets get with him and "LETS" do something about it.. If we want something done we need everyone to get together and make it happen...just talking about it on a chat website will do little to solve any problems.. it might just create problems...Things get done when people get together and it will take EVERYONE..... So email the 2 people mention above and lets "get ur done"