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Knice at Da Knolls 4-15-11
[cool][#0000ff]It's going to be hit and miss for shore fishing for awhile...mostly miss. The weather has to settle down and the water has to warm up a few degrees to get the channels moving in closer to shore...or into shallower water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The mud cats are usually the first to move shallow and they can at least provide some action. I usually see quite a few folks hauling in the mudders along the shoreline at the Knolls this time of year. But yesterday there was only one guy that came down. He fished several different spots and then left. Not a good sign...for him.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]One of these days the weather patterns will change (I hope) and we will get several days of warm weather in a row. That will bring in the carp to spawn and also get the kitties movin' and feedin'. They will be spawning sometime from May through July...but need warm water and calm weather to get 'er done.[/#0000ff]

Messages In This Thread
Knice at Da Knolls 4-15-11 - by TubeDude - 04-15-2011, 10:48 PM
Re: [cericr] Knice at Da Knolls 4-15-11 - by TubeDude - 04-16-2011, 05:40 PM

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