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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 04/16/11, solo
Got up this morning and saw that it was not raining. Had to go...about blew me off the lake. Three foot swells and white caps with hurricane force winds. emoEek It was hard to fish this morning. I got on the water at 8:30 and was blown off at 1:30. Not much to really report. I boated six, 4 keepers and 2 short. The four keepers were just shy of 10 lbs. Caught two on blades and the rest on plastics. The water is up about 3 foot or maybe a couple inches more then that. It has really muddy up our lake and those poor bass trying to spawn have got to be wondering what in the world is going on. emoConfused I was glad to get out and wet one but man I was glad to be back home. I still feel like I am bouncing when I close my eyes. emoDoh Jmax

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Jmax, Chick, Bass, 04/16/11, solo - by FishNews - 04-18-2011, 09:00 AM

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