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Wally world Rapala
Hey all a few weeks ago I asked if anyone new where you could find cheaper Rapalas. I got a lot of answers so thank you. I feel it is only fair I point this bit of info out there. I was at Walmart with my wife and little one lastnight and my wife showed up with a very nice at first I thought it might be a

Anyway, it wasn't one thing my wife has an eye for is "cheap name brand things" The Rapala was on sale regular 7.16 marked down to 3.50. I ran back to where she found it but it was the only one. I talked with a manager and he said they have started doing that. They had some other lures and things for crazy cheap. So just keep an eye out if you are shopping. This was one of the very nice Rapalas. Hope someone gets a good one like I did!!!

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Wally world Rapala - by 12inchlunker - 04-27-2011, 03:05 PM

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