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how bout some big browns 5/1
Thanks man! Oh please believe i am gonna keep pushing joe! I started the day out 2 to joes 0 but gotta admit the youngsta can fish like no ones business! Our normal stand by stuff wasn't working so he pulled out some mike iaconelli style and matched the hatch and before i knew it he had 5 to my 2. My braddah joe is a great fisherman and its been fun to fish and learn from him. He has the biggest brown this yr but i got the only smallie! ya ya but ya its gonna be a great yr we are gonna get some hogs to show off then release of course! And i will try to edjumacate him on proper slimer handling

Messages In This Thread
how bout some big browns 5/1 - by Utcatman - 05-02-2011, 12:30 AM
Re: [wagdog] how bout some big browns 5/1 - by Wildcat94 - 05-03-2011, 06:04 PM

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